Shattered Characters
Seraph ClairetLogia, gifted with reconciliation. Son of Redic and Caelya; twin of Selah. Seraph is Selah’s twin brother. He was imprisoned in a Legacy cryogenic facility for some time. Seraph is tall and fit, with blue eyes and caramel-reddish hair, kept neat with a little length on top. He is gentle, yet strong and has a little underlying anger because of his past. Seraph was one of the Chosen, who raised Prince Ternion from the dead in the Reconciliation Prophecy.
Logia, gifted with prophecy. Sister of Sterling, Caleb, Lance, Kalen, and Laelie. Echo is kind and strong in her faith. She has blonde hair, worn in long curls, and blue eyes. |
Redic ClairetHead of the Ghosts. Former Praesidium member, founder of the Ghost movement. Redic is of average height and build. He has blue eyes and shoulder-length caramel-reddish hair. He has a strong personality. Long ago, he was jovial and fun, but became hardened by the death of his family and passionate against the Legacy. He is Seraph's father.
Remy SullivanLumen. Ghost. Friend and advisor to Redic Clairet. Remy is fairly tall and fit. She has soft curly red hair, usually pulled back, and green eyes. She is friendly and personable, fiercely loyal to Redic, and always focused on the mission. She serves the Ghosts as a strategist and advisor.
Selah GraysonLogia, gifted with restoration. Daughter of Redic and Caelya. Twin sister of Seraph. Selah is slender and delicate, but has an internal strength that comes from her faith. She has blue eyes and long, wavy caramel-reddish hair. She is quiet, reserved, and elegant. Selah is one of the Chosen of the Reconciliation Prophecy.
The Catroina Family
Logia, gifted with reconciliation. Former member of the Praesidium, a perfect example of stately grace and elegance. Becklin has silver hair, trimmed neat, which adds to his distinguished stature. His eyes are a penetrating blue. After Prince Ternion's fall, Becklin goes into hiding, changing his family's name to Catroina. Because he denied Ternion and feels guilty and ashamed, he abandoned the Logia faith, although he has allowed his children to develop their gifts in secret. |
Logia, gifted with wisdom. Tessa looks like her daughter Echo, only thirty years older. She is tender, kind, and focused on maternal things. |
Logia, gifted with reconciliation. Sterling is the eldest son of Becklin and Thessally. He has deep brown eyes and a mop of dark brown waves. He is romantically involved with a young woman named Alia. |
Logia, gifted with the ability to understand technology. Caleb is the second eldest son of Becklin and Thessally. He is identical in looks to his brother Lance, and they are often referred to as "the Twins," although they hate that. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Caleb wears his hair shorter than Lance. |
Logia, gifted with restoration. Lance is the third eldest son of Becklin and Thessally. He is identical in looks to his brother Caleb, and they are often referred to as "the Twins," although they hate that. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Lance wears his hair longer than Caleb. |
Logia. Kalen is the youngest son of Becklin and Thessally. He is away with a Logia mentor. |
Logia. Laelie is the youngest daughter of Becklin and Thessally. She is well protected. |
Lord Darius Ebon Stygian
Elite interested in Echo/Strages who imprisons Echo. Darius has black hair worn slicked back, and icy blue eyes. He often wears black, including a long cape that graces his shoulders. He is a snob and has a problem with anger.
Elite interested in Echo/Strages who imprisons Echo. Darius has black hair worn slicked back, and icy blue eyes. He often wears black, including a long cape that graces his shoulders. He is a snob and has a problem with anger.
© 2013 Ashley Bazer