Last night, I encountered someone from my past on Facebook. I know you're thinking, "Well, duh! Isn't that what Facebook is for?" Yes, indeed, Facebook is a great connection tool for those you wish to keep up with. But what happens when you don't want to rekindle that relationship?
A couple years ago, I worked on a broadcast program with Dr. Archibald Hart regarding social media and technology. He said all relationships go through seasons. Some last longer than others, of course. Some friendships are meant to die. But with the appearance of social media sites, we can extend the length of those unhealthier relationships. I am friends with people I adore. I'm friends with people from my past and my present. But honestly, some of those connections aren't positive. Sure, I see the occasional status update of someone I graduated with, or the picture of an acquaintance I've made, but do I really need to? And I'm certain there are people on the other side of the equation. When I try to friend them, they groan internally. I'd like to think that's not the case, but I know I'm not the bee's knees to everyone out there. For my work, I just finished a great book titled I'm Happy For You...Sort Of...Not Really by Kay Wyma. She writes about how we compare ourselves constantly and how social media has really upped that game. (It's a really good read. I recommend it to my non-fiction reading friends.) Since then. I haven't been scrolling through my newsfeed like a crazy stalker fiend. I've glanced at the first few, liked a couple things, but in a more meaningful and intentional way, I've gone to my closer friends' pages to see what's going on. And that's been the trick for me. No longer do I get that pit in my stomach when I see other people doing amazing things. I don't feel guilty about my kids not doing dance lessons or getting a black belt in taekwondo. I'm finding contentment in what I have and who I have it with. It's really hard to let go, but sometimes we're called to release those people we've held onto for so long. And that's okay. New people come and enrich our lives in ways we can't even imagine. We grow, learn, teach, thrive, and cherish. Seasons change, as do friendships. I am most grateful for the people I have in my life at this moment. I am blessed. Be encouraged today. Find contentment and light in those you love. And those who are disconnected, say a word of thanks for them and let them go. If they are true friends, they will return.
Today is a good day for an update. With several projects going on at once, it's good for me to look across the board and see what's happening.
Asylum is finished! I tightened and cleaned up the writing. I'm very excited about it. I feel like it's a much better representation of the story than it was. We're looking toward a release date close to my birthday (coming up in October). And I'll reveal the cover soon! Be sure to check back. Reconciled is coming along. It's a constant in the back of my head. I've been working on Outlaw (Touch of the Crown subseries) here and there. I'm not quite ready to introduce that to the world, but it's coming. Along those same lines, I'm getting ready to dust off Shattered (Champions of the Crown Book One) and start the process toward publishing that. I'm launching my latest project Time Spinners. It's a really cool story that will hopefully be the start of a series. I may have mentioned it before - Indiana Jones meets Doctor Who. The gist of the story is: Sam Miller, an average 13 year old boy, is on his way home when he finds a watch and soon finds himself caught up in history as he encounters the Time Spinners. It was fun to write, and I'm looking forward to revising and polishing. So there you have it. That's my writing world right now. How I keep it all straight is beyond me. But it's a blast! ![]() When I was younger, I remember my dad saying, "I hate it when they use the title of the movie in the dialogue." That stuck with me. Sometimes, it's cool. But most of the time, it stands out. Along those lines, creating a perfect title for a book is hard. How do you sum up the content of a 300 page book in a catchy phrase of 5 words or less? There are times when, yes, the title just comes to you. That was the case with Once Upon a Heist. I actually came up with the title before I came up with the story. Checkmate was pretty natural, too. It only made sense to use a chess term for that story. With my Crown's Call books though, I wanted to keep them as one word titles. But those titles became something more than just descriptive words to suit the stories. The meanings go way deeper. Poison, for instance, is setting the stage for the villain to make his mark. His influence threads through the entire series. Beyond that, it goes to a personal level with the main characters. They suffer the consequences of their poor choices, especially those relating to the villain. (There is hope, though, so don't get bogged down in all the negatives listed above.) Fusion is the same. Throughout the story, things or people come together in unexpected ways. Relationships, quests, motivations, destinies... While one of the "fusions" is obvious, the others are there in nuances. As I'm working on Asylum, I'm seeing more and more of the double meaning of the title. You're familiar with the phrase insane asylum which has a pretty bad connotation to it. The word is used for haunted houses and other frightening experiences. But it also is defined as a place of safety and refuge - a sanctuary. Without spoiling the ending for you, the main characters, following all the harrowing events, end up in a place of safety. They find their asylum. I've crafted all my titles to reflect something more than just a part of the story. And occasionally, the title shows up in the dialogue. But it's just one more little detail that, as an author, makes me proud. Someday, I'll share the other titles with you. |
Duchess WriterAward-winning sci-fi author * Christ follower, wife, and mom * broadcast content producer. And yes, I am a real duchess. Archives
March 2023