My best friend is trying to lighten my not-so-happy show-closing mood by getting me to write a bit. She's sweet that way, and I adore her. The prompt was: You have to use at least 100 words and then text back. It must start with: “There are two kinds of people in the world, _______&________.” And this was my reply: There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who remember, and those who don’t. Those who don’t keep living their lives, going through the day-to-day toil our society has gotten used to. They get up every morning, go to work, come home, sleep, and do it all over again the next day, living for the two days off they get each week. And by the time those days roll around, they are so shot, they sit in front of mind-numbing screens and do nothing except complain about how time got away from them. But those who remember linger a bit. They know how things used to be. Before. When the world was calmer. Quieter. They are watchful. They see what’s happening around them and yearn for something else. Something more. They yearn for the stars because that is where the secrets are kept. High above us, twinkling with amusement. The stars know. I thought I'd post it here. To remember... Hers was far more lighthearted, creative, and fun. Because that's who she is! Posted with permission, of course...the lovely Bethanie Gellerman... There are two kinds of people in the world, me and me. No, there aren’t. Yes, there are. Because everyone else, I believe; are cyborgs. Or perhaps chimpanzees. I don’t know because I haven’t met everyone. And you’re not likely to as long as we are battling for space in the same head. I did not ask for your opinion. And yet you cannot escape it. Shut up while I write this. As I was saying, I am unique in all the world. And so am I! Oh, very well. What shall we do tonight? Well we seem to be off to a roaring start talking to ourself. Ugh. I can’t even get multiple personalities right. so many crazies have legions of souls in their heads and all I get is you. I know right? It’s like the lottery. Like Christmas. Or the Hunger Games.
You probably don't remember me. I met you years ago. Admired your work. You were part of a cute little production that involved some of my favorite music. I stuck your CD in my collection and pulled you out every so often. I watched your movie from time to time, but I have to be wasn't my favorite. (Not because of the content, but because of the casting.) As much as people talked about you, you were just no big deal to me. But then several months ago, you came roaring back into my life. At first, I didn't want anything to do with you. I figured I'd never be good enough to be associated with you. And you know, I really didn't think you'd be good enough to be associated with me...on a totally different level. But then a friend told me a few secrets and insights about you. Piqued my curiosity for sure. I started watching you. Studying you. I knew if we were going to see eye-to-eye, I was going to have to change a few things. Which I did. My heart softened toward you. I began to understand some of your choices. I began to see that your choices were also some I have made in my past, even though my life went in a much different direction. I began to see who you really were. I began to like you. I worked really hard on myself. Changing my body so I could keep up with you. Finding just the right words, motions, emotions, and tones to capture your attention. Wishing, hoping, dreaming, and praying. And you know, all that really paid off. Because some amazing people saw that I just might be able to fill your shoes for a little while. And they gave me the chance to prove myself in that way. I've been a part of you for three beautiful months now. And tomorrow, I have to say goodbye. I don't want to, but the time has come for us to move on from each other. I will always carry you with me in my heart. You've become part of me. You've taught me to value myself. You've given me confidence, compassion, wisdom, love, laughter, and freedom. I am forever grateful to and for you. You've changed my life. Thank you, darling Donna. I will never, ever forget you. #MammaMia! #SunrisePlayers |
Duchess WriterAward-winning sci-fi author * Christ follower, wife, and mom * broadcast content producer. And yes, I am a real duchess. Archives
March 2023