![]() I spent a little time interviewing my main character from Poison. I even learned a few things about him I didn't know! DW: What is your name? Do you have a nickname? GL: I am Gaultier Lassiter. In our ancient language, Gaultier translates to strong leader or commander of the army. My friends occasionally call me G. DW: What is your hair color? Eye color? GL: I have dark brown hair and matching eyes. DW: Where were you born? Where have you lived since then? Where do you call home? GL: I was born on Pavana in the Aevum rotation. At age fifteen, I went to live at the domicile in Kapelle. Not long after that, I became a Crusader, and my main home was my ship, The Midnight Sun. DW: Where do you go when you’re angry? GL: I try to avoid anger. It’s dangerous. But when ire begins to well in me, I retreat to the Crown and the Creed. DW: Do you have a secret? GL: I bear more of a burden than I’d like to admit. DW: What makes you laugh out loud? GL: Jax and Alton’s antics. We may seem like a pretty serious crowd, but when those two get going, I can’t help but laugh. DW: Have you ever been in love? Had a broken heart? GL: Yes to both questions. The broken heart came from a different source, though. DW: What’s in your refrigerator right now? On your bedroom floor? On your nightstand? GL: Ah. We call ours a “cold box.” I have a few provisions, mostly fruit and fresh drinking water. My bedroom floor is without mess. I keep a neat and tidy room. On my nightstand, I have my worn copy of the Creed, as well as a lamp. DW: When you think of your childhood kitchen, what smell do you associate with it? Why is that smell so powerful to you? GL: I care not to think of my childhood kitchen. Very bad things occurred there. DW: What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting? GL: I remember my father, the man for whom my son will be named, praying a blessing over me. He had brought me to Kapelle to meet Athaer Castus, and while we waited, he led me to the chapel. The grandeur was unlike anything I had seen. We paused at the altar, and my father turned to me and said, “Gaultier, you’re going to change the System.” He then fell to his knees and prayed a fervent, heartfelt blessing. DW: What do you consider your greatest achievement? GL: I have no achievements apart from the Crown. DW: What is your idea of perfect happiness? GL: Peace. Being at peace with all my previous affairs and with my future. DW: What is your current state of mind? GL: Confused, but I trust the Crown. DW: What is your favorite occupation? GL: I loved being a Crusader. My friends and I traveled the System in the name of the Crown. We served and helped others, making a lasting impact. DW: What is your most treasured possession? GL: My copy of the Creed. It’s rather worn, but I’ve memorized many of its verses. DW: What or who is the greatest love of your life? GL: The Crown will always come first, but I’ve recently met this girl who had captivated me. She had suffered a horrible accident when I found her. She can’t remember who she is, and she can’t speak. We’re currently on a mission to discover who she is. DW: What is your favorite journey? GL: Traveling-wise, I enjoy the journey from Crenet to Serenata. It’s not terribly long, and the light from Aevum is warm and inviting. Spiritually, I’ve enjoyed how the Crown has molded me, even though it’s not been easy. DW: What is your most marked characteristic? GL: I have dedicated many hours to learning the words of the Crown. I take comfort in recalling these words in times of trouble or difficulty. DW: When and where were you the happiest? GL: My early childhood was pleasant. Before my brother and I realized how very different we are. DW: What is it that you most dislike? GL: Deception. DW: What is your greatest fear? GL: Losing those I love. DW: What is your greatest extravagance? GL: I’ve invested quite heavily in my ship, but it’s been necessary. It has served me well. DW: Which living person do you most despise? GL: I’d rather not say. DW: What is your greatest regret? GL: Disregarding my father’s blessing. I allowed my emotions to get in the way. DW: Which talent would you most like to have? GL: Talent is a Crown-bestowed gift. I am grateful for what He has deemed suited for me, although it would be convenient to have the gift of restoration. DW: Where would you like to live? GL: Ossia. I could get lost in the Sunlight Gardens. DW: What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? GL: Losing my family in the way I did. I was on the cusp of manhood when my parents were murdered. And when I found out my brother had a hand in it. Everyone was taken away from me that day. DW: What is the quality you most like in a man? GL: Honesty. DW: What is the quality you most like in a woman? GL: Perception—when she can really see me. DW: What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? GL: My gullibility. I trust far too easily. DW: What is the trait you most deplore in others? GL: The inability to see the Crown’s hand at work. DW: What do you most value in your friends? GL: I appreciate the mission behind my friends’ actions. We all have a desire to serve the Crown. DW: Which living person do you most admire? GL: Athaer Castus is at the top of my list. He’s been a lifelong friend. I’d also have to say Athaer Criswell. He’s about to step into the role of Protector of the Logia faith. That’s a tremendous responsibility, which he’s handled with grace. DW: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? GL: This goes along with my regret. I would probably follow through with my father’s blessing. I regret not following that path, although I didn’t feel it was mine. DW: What are your favorite names? GL: I like my father’s name, Karaine. As I said, it will be the name of my son, should the Crown choose to bless me with one. My mother’s surname, Dackefield, also resonates with me. DW: How would you like to die? GL: Heroically in the name of the Crown. I don’t fear death. I know I will just return Home. DW: What is your motto? GL: Soli Deo Gloria.
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Duchess WriterAward-winning sci-fi author * Christ follower, wife, and mom * broadcast content producer. And yes, I am a real duchess. http://amzn.to/2eLTlH3 Archives
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