![]() One thing a writer has to be good at is getting into other people's heads. Now, I'm not talking about psychic connections or any of the crazy stuff I like to write about. I'm talking about understanding what a character might be going through in a specific situation in order to translate that to a page. Throughout my day, I encountered people who made me think about what life might be like through their eyes. At our grocery store, there's a pretty, young woman who is a checker. She had a blue ribbon in her hair today, but it was only there for decoration. Her long, black hair hung in loose strands across her right eye. That would drive me crazy! I have bangs, and when they get too long, I cut them off. What kind of person would be able to tolerate that?! As I watched her look toward the door (through those straying locks), I imagined what she must be seeing. Does she even notice the hair? Or is she so used to it, she looks beyond it? Does she have something to hide? Is she shy? What a great exploration in character! I'll have to remember her when I write certain characteristics. Tonight, we attended a basketball game at our high school. I always scan the stands to see who is there that I might know. Across from us, sat a group of kids with sombreros. One of them wore a Scream mask under the hat. I thought about what it must be like to conceal my identity in such a crowd. And what it would be like to watch the game through the eyes of the mask. Plastic distorting the court below; the loud cheering and drums of the band muffled only slightly by the shroud. A totally different perspective. Then I stopped analyzing people. I looked down at my husband and my son. My little guy just turned seven. He's not so little anymore. Through this mom's eyes, I saw a little boy growing up too quickly. My baby I cradled and rocked sitting on a bleacher, taking in the sights and reveling with the drumline. The boy working his way through childhood - wide-eyed and receptive - impressionable and curious - smart and funny. Through this mom's eyes, I saw his future coming all too quickly...and I shall soon have to let him go. But for now, I can still hold him. Still snuggle with him. Still love on him. And I plan to. I will look at him through the eyes of love, and hold onto every possible moment. I love that little boy who is turning into a young man. I am so glad he's mine. And I bet before too long, I'll look at him and wonder what's going through his mind. What it is like to look through his eyes. Blessings to you all.
1 Comment
Kristan M Hagel
1/12/2013 02:07:36 am
I liked this Ash. I find I do the samething when I am in writer mode. I wonder what eoples stories are as I wander the Mall occasionally. Fascinating.
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Duchess WriterAward-winning sci-fi author * Christ follower, wife, and mom * broadcast content producer. And yes, I am a real duchess. http://amzn.to/2eLTlH3 Archives
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